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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

Struggle with feeling aimless or insecure? Find your significance here.

There is not always a clear path to what we want because we aren’t pointed in the right direction. Sometimes that is because we are seeking significance in places that aren’t meant for us. And when we seek significance outside of God’s will for us, we end up feeling insecure, aimless, and discouraged.

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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

What to do when fear tries to beat you up (and what not to do)

We all have situations that make us feel afraid. But “toughen up” is the last thing I think any of us should do. Fear is pretty humbling and I think humility is the correct posture to assume. Not that we are to bow to our circumstances but to the God who is actually handling all of our affairs in the background.

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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

You are good enough (because of Jesus)

Just a gentle reminder to all of us that when Jesus purchased our freedom with his last, ultimate, sacrificial act, he really meant it. It does not come with strings attached. It does not come with performance reviews. You are free.

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Sound Mind Series Angie Gibbons Sound Mind Series Angie Gibbons

The power of stillness and reflection

The objective is to give yourself an opportunity to stop and absorb what God is doing in your life. If you’re not sure what God is doing or saying, that’s an even better reason to practice reflection regularly. It’s like tuning in to a radio, turning the dial a little this way and that, to hear the still, small voice of God that gets drowned out in our own thoughts.

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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

The 8 Primary Emotions

Each of the 8 primary emotions comprises other emotions we experience. But it’s helpful to figure out the root emotion underneath what we are experiencing.

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Sound Mind Series Angie Gibbons Sound Mind Series Angie Gibbons

Recognize and release your emotions, even the tricky ones

What do emotions have to do with our spiritual lives and wellbeing anyway? Well, everything. God made us multi-part - body, soul, and spirit. All of these parts are interconnected and make us fully alive. Emotions may often feel like a burden to us, but they are a gift from God that enable us to experience our lives in a complex way. They also help us to connect with God and others at a deep level.

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Sound Mind Series Angie Gibbons Sound Mind Series Angie Gibbons

Cultivate authentic, unforced gratitude that lasts (Part 2 of 6 in the Sound Mind Series)

Sometimes we become convinced we can force-feed gratitude into our own brains, and we feel guilt when it doesn’t happen. We ask ourselves questions like, Why am I not happier? I would like to take a different approach with gratitude that I hope will help you to set aside any guilt and to chart a path toward a more natural (not forced) experience with joy.

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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

How to practice peace in the hardest times

What I feel certain of is that the seeds we sow in good times will feed us in the bad ones. Stress will come, but even then our lives will preach what we have practiced. The stress will only bring to light what has been invested in our souls.

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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

Finding a way out of needless busyness and stress and back to joy

We are so used to living this busy and stressed out that we are numb to its effects on our bodies and minds and relationships. To add insult to injury, many of us still don’t feel like we’re doing or being enough. This is a good time to remind ourselves that it’s okay to do less. That God doesn’t lay heavy burdens on us but leads us in peace.

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Angie Gibbons Angie Gibbons

Three Keys to an Intentional, Enjoyable Life as Parent (Without the Stress, Exhaustion and Mom Shame)

Doing life well, without a lot of angst and hand-wringing, requires some thought and planning. It requires that we stop and take a hard look at why we do what we do and how to proceed in a way that honors our time and honors God. There are a few keys to have a peaceful, intentional life as a parent, instead of being perpetually exhausted and stressed out.

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