How to experience more joy naturally: Part 1 of the Live Grateful Series

We are 4 months into my husband's deployment, and when people ask how I'm doing, I'm not sure what to say. I spent the first half of my life giving pat Christian answers to questions like these. “You know, it's challenging, but I know God is in control.” Stuff like that. True, but, probably not what I'm actually feeling. Not authentic. We think we are supposed to feel grateful and spiritual all the time, even when we don't. 

This piece is part 1 of the Live Grateful series, in which we look at what scripture actually says about gratitude and joy. The goal is to get a Biblical perspective and form new heart habits to help us weather the future with increased grace, resilience, and authenticity. 

I hope you enjoy digging into these scriptures on gratitude as much as I did!! At the bottom you will find the link you can share with a friend, PLUS the printable/phone wallpaper with our key verse. 👇

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Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  - 1 Thess. 5:16-18 (NIV)

First, we will dig into the word “rejoice” from verse 16 above. It is not just for Christmas songs apparently, although we don't often use it in everyday language. It comes from the Greek word chairo. In this context, “rejoice” is not a command, but we have all heard it used that way, such as, “I know you lost your job, but rejoice anyway!” or “I just rejoice and I feel so much better about my problems.” 🥴

This word chairo actually implies that joy is a byproduct of seeing God for who He is. So the scripture is not saying to pretend to be happy. Instead, as you get in touch with the One who made you, you will know his grace and see his provision. Then you will naturally experience rejoicing or joy. No forced gratitude here. Whew!

Experiencing joy is a byproduct of seeing God accurately, and not a command.

Of course, there is a place for what the Bible calls a sacrifice of praise. (Heb.13:15-16). There are times that we don't feel like worshipping or speaking words of life, and we need to do it anyway.

But I want to point out an important difference --- when we feel blah and we worship anyway, that is not what the Bible is calling “rejoicing” in this passage. Joy is not forced. It is a real experience that God created and intended for us. He actually cares that you and I feel joy in our lives, not just act joyful because it seems spiritual.

The path to experiencing real joy is connection with Creator, knowing Him more, and thinking more about Him than about the challenges.

Consider: How might you add a little more of this to your day in the next couple of months?

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Through this 6-part series, let's try a daily ritual in order to bring this gratitude down into our lives in a tangible way. We are going to focus on 3 dimensions of gratitude and each one has a small physical component to help grow our awareness and to remember the steps in the future. This should only take 5-10 minutes out of your day. 

  1. Self: Put your hand over your heart. Say thank you to your own body for waking up today, for breathing, for being a temple you can dwell in. Think of one thing about your life lately that brings a smile to your face, no matter how small.

  2. God: Bring your hands to a prayer posture. Think about what you know about God. How have you seen him show up for you recently or in the past? Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for who He is and what He’s done.

  3. Others: When you think of the people in the inner circle of your life, who are you most grateful for lately? Who has been there for you and supported you? If you see them in person, give them a hug and tell them you are thankful for them. If they are long distance, send them a text or call them. Tell them specifically what you are grateful for about them.

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Comment below and let me know or journal answers to the following…

What did you learn about gratitude from these verses?
What is your joy like on an average day? Give it a rating from 0 (blah, depressed) to 10 (really joyful)

Share the series…
I would be most grateful 😉 if you would share the link below with a few friends who you would like to pursue gratitude with:
Sign up for the free Live Grateful series here -

Download the key verse image (see below)…
Get the phone wallpaper or the letter-sized printable 

Angie Gibbons

Angie is a writer, speaker, and co-founder of Dawn, a mindful faith company. Her passion is to empower women to pursue spiritual and mental wholeness. Angie lives and surfs in Hawaii with her husband and three daughters. You can find her writing and free resources at and on Instagram @angiegibbons.writer.


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