Let’s create a safe space to de-stress together.
Motherhood can feel so isolating. So many decisions to make, so much to juggle, and so much of that time spent with our little people. The pressures mount, and it’s easy to get stuck in them.
In 2024, I am starting a Christian mom’s life coaching group for women who want to reduce their stress and increase joy, using a Biblical perspective, the latest brain science, mindfulness techniques, and the accountability and support of other women rooting you on.
The group will take place on Zoom and run in 6-week stretches. During the 1.5 hour group time I will share a topic for us to think on and discuss, and everyone will have opportunities to share, ask questions, and receive prayer.
If you get on the waitlist now, you will receive updates when the group is starting and have first dibs at claiming a spot! But there is no obligation to join if you are on the waitlist. Feel free to share this page with your friends and help them get a spot as well.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.