Is your mind telling the truth?

This post is part of a series called Sound Mind, in which we talk about powerful practices that keep us mentally strong and refreshed all year long (whether the lists and goals are getting checked off or not.) This first post is about affirmation.


It's hard to comprehend the power of words. The other day I was recounting to my kids the time in elementary school that I layered the top half of my hair. If you are picturing a handsome mullet, you are pretty close. By the time I got home, the tears were flowing. My older sister met me at the front door with “I told you not to cut layers.” Even worse, my first day back to school a funny kid in our carpool called me “wolf boy.” I’m not sure which of the two words is more insulting. That was my last foray into layers. Those of you who know me in real life have seen all of 1 hairstyle on my head since that day.

You have a similar story, in which someone said something that cut deeply. Their words mattered, and amazingly, they have stayed with you for many years, despite the fact that you may not remember what you did last weekend. 

I think we can all recognize and appreciate the power words have had over our lives. What we sometimes fail to notice is the words we use for ourselves. They flow through our minds unaware and unencumbered, and somewhere along the way become the imbedded truth of our story.

What does the river of your thought life look like? It is clear and uplifting? Is it polluted with half truths and fear mongering?

The weight of our own words can be so burdensome. It reminds me of when God found Adam and Eve hiding in the Garden of Eden and said, “Who told you that you were naked?” It’s like he was saying, Who have you been listening to, because those thoughts didn’t originate from me. God had made them to be unafraid and lies had shamed them.

One of the ways we get rooted in truth and uproot the lies is by meditating on God’s words. Whatever He says about you, you should be saying about yourself.

Is this an easy button for self-esteem and success? Nah. But it puts us back in alignment mentally with the one who created us and actually knows who we are. (And if you didn’t know, He believes in you and thinks highly of you!)  A steady diet of truth is sure to make the lies stand out so we can put them under our feet where they belong. 

The first step is awareness. My challenge to you this week, especially if you struggle with negative thoughts or self-criticism, is to set an alarm on your phone to go off every few hours. When you hear the alarm, stop and check in with your thoughts. What are you speaking over your life? What has your brain been saying? Is it true or false? How are you feeling as a result? (Take a moment to do this now and then set your alarms.)

The second step is intentional affirmation. It may feel awkward, but our words have creative power. (We were made in God’s image who spoke the world into existence.) Every day this week, open your Dawn app, tap the plus sign, and just read the daily affirmation. Then soak in it all day long.

Here are a few more helpful resources for your week…

Send me an email at and let me know YOUR terrible hair story! Also, let me know that Yes 👍 you have set your alarms for your “week of mental awareness”.

Angie Gibbons

Angie is a writer, speaker, and co-founder of Dawn, a mindful faith company. Her passion is to empower women to pursue spiritual and mental wholeness. Angie lives and surfs in Hawaii with her husband and three daughters. You can find her writing and free resources at and on Instagram @angiegibbons.writer.


Cultivate authentic, unforced gratitude that lasts (Part 2 of 6 in the Sound Mind Series)


How to practice peace in the hardest times