Angie Gibbons

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How We Fight for Contentment

(Listen to this Monday Mission on Apple podcast or wherever you find your favorite shows.)

Do you have a love/hate relationship with technology like I do?

I love my phone map. I would be wandering around the one-way streets of Honolulu for weeks at a time if I didn’t have it. (Just ask my kids. I U-turn daily.) But I really dislike what media causes us to long for and to infer about ourselves.

In one scroll through social media in the grocery checkout line, I might think, “My career is in the dumps compared to that high school friend. I wish my kitchen counters were white. Have I ever made one meal that looked like Giada’s? And why doesn’t she have wrinkles like me? AHHH!”

How many micro thoughts like these pass through our minds weekly? We are bombarded by messages that require effort to weed through and discern. In Hebrews 5 it speaks of the mature believer as one who has their powers of discernment trained by constant practice, so they can distinguish good from evil.

Those thoughts that distract us, unsettle us, and worry us cause us to loathe the very blessings of our lives. They rob us of contentment, and we must discern them and fight back.

Let’s take a quick assessment of our contentment.

How content do I feel with my life on a day to day basis? Rate it 1 to 10.

How content do I feel today? Rate it 1 to 10.

If it’s a low number, what is it that’s holding me back? What thoughts? Struggles? Relationships? What stands out to you?

What things can I change? What things are out of my control?

Let’s pray together over our circumstances right now.

“God, help me to see you and your blessings in my life today. Separate out the thoughts that are not from you, that are discouraging me or growing discontent. Show me how to move forward with a grateful heart, even on the days that are hard. Help me to let go of any dream that is not from you, but not settle for less than what you have for me. Amen.”

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